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Molecular Ecology & Phylogenomics Lab

This a molecular ecology and phylogenomics lab at Chosun University in Gwang-Ju, Korea. We are mainly working on population genomics, phylogenomics and conservation genomics of divers angiosperm plant groups. 

Our Lab is currently seeking a postdoctoral fellow, prospective grad-students and undergraduate interns.

Please find the detailed info and contact in the About section. 



Our work focuses on genetic diversity pattern and how it is shaped by numerous factors including demographic history, landscape features and life history traits. Our work further explores geneflow among species and speciation of angiosperm plants using variety of phylogenomic tools.

​조선대학교 식물 분자생태 및 계통분류학 연구실은 2020년 2학기부터 새롭게 시작되었습니다. 한반도에 서식하는 다양한 현화식물을 대상으로 개체군 단위의 유전다양성 패턴과 이에 영향을 주는 요인을 최신 분자기술을 접목하여 연구합니다. 더불어 353-angiosperm single copy genes target capture 등과 같은 유전체단위 계통분석 tool을 활용하여 식물 종간 잡종화 현상과 종분화, 계통유연관계를 연구합니다. 

Latest Publications

Tae-Young Choi, Dong Chan Son, Seung Hwan Oh, Dong-Kap Kim, Lee Kang Hyup & Soo-Rang Lee. 2022. Plant Systematics and Evolution. In Press.

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